Author: Claire

Coeliac foodie refusing to miss out on the things I used to enjoy eating. I share quick, easy and affordable recipes to help keep your diet varied, interesting and 100% gluten free, without sacrificing taste or breaking the bank. I also review products and restaurants that I find.

Two years on…

Thursday marked 2 years since I went gluten free so I have been reflecting on my second year on Planet Coeliac. This year was definitely easier than its predecessor. Having already done gluten free Christmas, Easter, birthdays etc. once, I was much more confident approaching these events this year. I knew I could buy or […]


Eating out is not as simple as it used to be!

Choosing a restaurant used to be a pleasure, scrolling through menu after menu on the websites of literally any restaurant I fancied. Since going gluten free, it has become significantly more of a challenge. Meals out need to be carefully researched, menus checked, reviews scrutinised. Inevitably I feel like I’m inconveniencing friends and family by […]

Baking Birthdays Cakes

Birthday Cake

It has been a while since I last posted on here but my Mum’s birthday, today, was a great opportunity to get baking again. (The diet is on hold!) Last night we went out for a meal and found a restaurant really putting others to shame when it comes to gluten free.Their gluten free menu […]


A good read

Today marks the start of Coeliac Awareness Week 2017 and I’m helping Coeliac UK to spread the word. I read this article in the Huffington Post today and thought I’d share it. Please share it again if you’re interested in supporting us. Thanks.

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